
10km Challenge

Since my high-school age, I've never tried a mid-distance running around 10km. The high-school from which I graduated compelled male students to run 16km (called "10 mile race") as a part of physical education though, after the graduation I have been enjoying a short-distance running typically of 5km. My typical running pace is 4 min 30-45 sec/km.
According to Wikipedia, it is said that the distinction between jogging and running is the speed 6 mph (10 minute per mile pace, 10 km/h, 6 min/km). Thus I'm a runner so far.

This morning I felt a slight hungover due to drinking a bit heavily last night, but I wanted to switch on my body and mind with vigor. Then I took 10km run. It took 48'43" for 10.02 km. Here is my nike+ipod record. Not so fast but no so bad. My wish is to run a half-marathon faster than 2 hours/20km. It seems doable, doesn't it?
See below for my record and 10km course.


TAM said...

Wow, I think you can beat 2 hours easily. I'll try to make it on next race.

Mick said...
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Mick said...

TAM, will you join Nike+ Human Race 10K to be held on Oct. 24th? On that day, I'll be in Beijing though, I'll try it after going back to Tokyo that night. Join me by visiting http://nikerunning.nike.com/nikeplus/